I believe in the great potential there is in every human being and in the unlimited opportunities there are in this beautiful World of ours. It is our own thinking that limits and prevents us from realising our potential and grabbing the numerous opportunities.
Through this blog I hope to share personal thoughts, experiences and inspirational stories that would open our minds and extend the horizons of our World. I believe that each of us have compelling dreams and visions for ourselves. I do hope that my writings would encourage at least some of us to shift track from the routine and the mundane to a track where life becomes exciting, challenging and passion driven.
I also hope that this blog would have content that would bring greater meaning and purpose to life and fortify and strengthen each one of us to face up to challenges, problems and struggles thrown at us from time to time.
While I certainly would enjoy writing this blog, I would invite you to also feel free to share your comments and views. Together let us change the way we live our lives. Let us seek the World and the life that lies “Beyond the I”
George Abraham